
by Costik Studio

Health & Fitness


Hi, we from Costik Sudio introduce the Queue Doctor Application. Apasih application queued Doctor. The queue doctor application is an application to search for doctors around you and retrieve queue numbers in realtime.The advantages of AntriDok application on the doctors side:1. The doctor can make a queue according to the date specified2. In the AntriDok application, the doctor can start the queue, so the patient will know that the doctor has started the queue only via a smartphone.3. The doctor can see the patients history, for example the patient visits the second time, then the doctor can find out the history of the patients illness / complaint beforehand.4. Patients who are accustomed to taking queue numbers via SMS or WA messages can be registered by the doctor admin through the queue application. This also applies to those who directly come to the clinic to take the queue number.Advantages of AntriDok Applications on the Patients Side:1. Patients can see the practicing doctor who is close to the location of his residence2. Patients can find a doctor based on the type of doctor3. Patients can find out what date the doctor opened his practice, so that patients do not need to bother again to the clinic to ask the doctors practical opening date.4. Patients can take the queue number directly from the smartphone5. Patients do not need to queue for long in the clinic / Rs, patients will only go to the clinic if the queue number of patients is approaching the queue number that is running, this will make the patient comfortable experiencing severe pain, so he does not need to queue for a long time in the clinic where the room Very limited waiting.6. Patients who have taken the queue number will be asked to confirm when the queue date has arrived, from the list of patients who register it can be seen how many patients who confirm will attend and how many patients are absent.